Yearbook Baby Pictures
5th Grade Parents
Please upload a baby photo (up to one year of age) of your 5th grader for the 2024/25 Eleanor Roosevelt Yearbook. When uploading, please do the following...
Name your photo with your 5th graders first and last name.
If you only have a hard copy, please take a photo of it or scan it in, and upload it.
Please rename the photo with your child’s first and last name prior to uploading. This is how we will know who is who. Below are instructions on renaming pictures depending on device.
File format must be: jpg, jpeg, or png (other file formats are not compatible with yearbook system and cannot be used)
Android Phones: Open picture_Tap ⁝_Rename title with child’s first and last name_click save_upload to google photo (link above)
iPhones: Tap the photo you want to rename. Tap the "Rename" button on the pop-up menu, and then use the on-screen keyboard to enter the new file name for the photo. Tap "OK" to rename the photo._upload to google photo (link above)
Computer/Laptop: Right click the photo_select rename_rename with child’s first and last name_upload to google photo (link above)
**Having trouble uploading, please text the picture to Megan Bogan (215-375-4600) and include your child's first and last name in the text.
Submission Deadline
OCTOBER 1st, 2024
If you have any questions/concerns please reach out to:
Stacey Bannon | OR Kim Gigliotti |