Resources & Forms
Treasurer Guidelines
2024-2025 PTO Treasurer: Devina Golden |
Expense Voucher, Income Report, and Start-up Cash Request forms are located below for download and also in the PTO drawer in the main office.
Please do not leave cash or a large number of checks in the PTO drawer and/or mailbox. Ask one of the secretaries to place the money in the safe. Be sure to notify the Treasurer that you are leaving money in the office.
Please request that families put their child’s name and homeroom # on the memo line of checks. Also, be sure to alert families that any checks returned to us unpaid will be assessed a processing fee as per the bank.
Expense Voucher
Expense Voucher forms MUST be accompanied by a receipt. Please DO NOT put personal purchases on the same receipt as the one you are submitting for reimbursement. Expense Voucher forms submitted without a receipt will not be processed and will be returned to you.
Vendors can be paid directly if an approved invoice is submitted. After payment is made to the vendor, you must submit a paid receipt or you will be responsible for the amount of the check.
You may not pay for items with a donated gift card and then request reimbursement for the purchase.
Income Report
This report is completed after the event where money was used. Please make sure to return this form with the cash/checks no more than 1 week after the event.
Start-Up Cash
Committee Chairs that need cash for their event MUST submit the Start-Up Cash form 2 WEEKS BEFORE the event to the PTO Treasurer.
Committee Work Plan
This report is completed before beginning the committee's activities and presented to the Presidents for approval.
Event Custodial Form
The Custodial Form is to be filled out for all events/fundraisers or community service drives that require assistance or equipment from the custodian.s This form needs to be submitted to the PTO Presidents before submitting to the head custodian, Matt Baker.
Inside Event Layout
The Custodial Form is to be filled out for all events/fundraisers or community service drives that require assistane or equiptment from the custodian.s This form needs to be submitted to the PTO Presidents before submitting to the head custodian, Matt Baker.
Outside Event Layout
The Custodial Form is to be filled out for all events/fundraisers or community service drives that require assistane or equiptment from the custodian.s This form needs to be submitted to the PTO Presidents before submitting to the head custodian, Matt Baker.