Thanksgiving Food Drive
Donations Due by November 18th

Help our Community
As in past years, the Eleanor Roosevelt PTO is sponsoring a Thanksgiving Food Drive for families in our school and our community, who are in need. To help organize the food and ensure that we collect a variety of different things, we suggest donations by grade level:
Kindergarten & First Grade: Packaged goods and mixes, such as potatoes, stuffing mix, Jell-O, pudding, desserts, powder milk, mac and cheese, cornbread mix ect.
Second & Third Grade: Soups, gravies, salt/pepper and pasta
Fourth & Fifth Grade: Canned fruit & vegetables, canned cranberry sauce, canned spaghetti sauce and juice
We are also collecting $25 gift cards to Giant or Shoprite for families to be able to purchase turkeys. Gift Cards can be sent in with students in an envelope marked food drive.
Please have all donations in by Friday November 18th. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to a member of the Community Service Committee. Thank you for your generosity
Community Service Committee | Joanna Schwind and Gina Fox /