Outdoor Classroom
Purpose Of Classroom
To create an alternative educational space for our students to learn, grow and thrive beyond the traditional classroom walls.
To have a more engaging experience when learning the science units of weather, environment & nature.
Benefits to learning outside
Students are more engaged during and after the lesson
It reduces stress, restores depleted attention, and improves immune function in children, much like it does in adults. And kids who are healthier, calmer, and less depleted may simply learn better.*
Teaching outdoors increases students’ interest in a subject and intrinsic motivation to learn, and may help them to retain information longer than regular indoor classes.*
Teaching and learning outdoors is fun! Often, the outdoors provides a change of pace from the classroom, which students and teachers enjoy. Studies have shown increased student enthusiasm for learning outdoors.**
*According to the University of California, Berkley
** Journal of Environmental Education
About the space & Structure
This space can hold up to two full classes, 50 students total.
This is a great space for small group learning, group projects, learning support and emotional support.
Sunshade - 41’ x 31’ on a 44' x 34' concrete pad
8 - 8ft All Weather Picnic tables
Handicap accessible
Where is the classroom going?
The Outdoor Classroom with be adjacent to the new basketball court on the 5th grade playground.
The outdoor classroom will be ADA compliant and wheelchair accessible from the school, through the basketball court, to the classroom.
The outdoor classroom will be replacing the existing metal tables that are old and rusted.
4 dead trees will be removed to make room for this new space.
Have questions, please email the Fun Run Committee at falconfunrun2024@gmail.com