Membership Drive

The Membership drive provides critical support to the School and Community. Most notable, this drive allows the more than 500 Eleanor Roosevelt elementary students to enjoy...
Assemblies on anti-bullying
Safe and engaging recess equipment
Necessary equipment for effective learning environments that not covered in school budgets, ( i.e. projectors, flip charts,etc)
Bare Books featured during Art & Lit night
...and SO much more!
Become a member today for a suggested $10 donation and participate in the PTO, make a difference in your child’s school and let’s work together to have an outstanding 2024-2025 School Year!
In addition to supporting the PTO and becoming a member, we also need your help in supporting the classrooms. Each year, the classes hold 4 parties and we need your help in making this happen. We are asking that each family donate $5 per student. This will go towards party supplies, food, crafts and more.