Year Long Fundraising
Here are some EASY ways to help Eleanor Roosevelt just buy doing what you do every day...SHOP!
Last year, ER families helped to bring in $4,322.04 just in shopping alone!
DOWNLOAD the Box Tops App
Use referral code: F5LA0W3A for a bonus!
Buy participating products. Be sure to check the full list of participating products, as some are not labeled.
SCAN your receipt
Tap the scan button to snap a photo of your receipt within 14 days of purchase.
Or send your receipts in to school and we will scan for you!
Our school earns 10 cents for every eligible item purchased!
REGISTER your Price Plus Card
Visit, enter your Price Plus card and select ER as the beneficiary,
GO grocery shopping
Remember to use your Shop Rite Price Plus Card
Our school earns money for every eligible item purchased!
DOWNLOAD the Coke App
Be sure to select our school to receive rewards.
SCAN codes using your phone
Or send in your codes and we will scan them for you!
Rewards are automatically sent to our school every quarter!
SHOP online or in stores
Provide our school's name at checkout.
Or visit to enter your receipt after your sale.
Our school earns 5% back in merchandise credit!
SHOP online or in stores
Or visit
Your phone number will be associated with your Rite Aid Rewards. You must remember to use this for all Prescriptions and In-Store purchases for your selected organization to receive funds.
We will get .50 cents on every prescription filled
1.5 % back on in store shopping